Thursday, 21 March 2019

Anything for you, honey!

(Across the vast, checkered board, two sides await the start of a war. The clocks start and a white pawn has advanced to e4)

White King: How is the situation, Queen?

White Queen: No movement from the enemy, sir!

White King: What! How can that be? It’s the first move!

(meanwhile, on the black side…)

Black Queen: Sir, wake up!

Black King: ZzzZzzz…

Black Bishop: Let me poke him with my sword, he will surely wake up then!

(The Bishop used ‘jab’ on the Black King. It was super effective!)

Black King (sleepy): Huh, what’s going on?

Black Queen: The game has started, and they have already made their first move! What are we going to do?

Black King (now wide awake): Okay team, huddle up, quick!

(The team huddle to listen to what the Black King has to say)

Black King: We are going to send out a pawn to counter his move. Then, we’re going to have B-Knight go to c6. We will see how things go ahead.

Everyone: Good call! Let’s go!

(An hour has passed, both sides have suffered severe casualties and exhausted)

Black Bishop: Sir! I see a weak point of our enemy near their king. Should I go in there?

Black King: Yes, light Bishop, you may.

Black Queen: I will go too, honey! I can end this game in the next attack!

Black King: No, it is too dangerous! It’s suicide to go there!

Black Queen: But you sent light Bishop in there.

Black King: Well yes, but-

Black Queen (interrupts): No ‘buts’. I’m going to jump right in and show them Queen Power!

Black King: Please don’t! We need co-ordination! That is the only way…

Black Queen: Here I go!

Black King: Come back!

(Black Queen enters the fray)

Black King: We are going to lose! We can’t possibly win…

(Suddenly, the arbiter speaks…)

Arbiter: Black has checkmated white! Black wins the game!’

Black King (confused): But, how?

Black Queen: You are very right, honey, teamwork is what drives us to victory. I thought that 
too, when I was in the enemy’s side. I thought for sure we would lose, and thought about you. What was I thinking? I was risking your life as well as mine. However, I knew we had chosen the time precisely, and the right move, which is why I had faith in my choice.

Black King: You acted wisely, Queen. Thanks to you, we have won the game. Had you not done as you did, our Queen-side would have been completely destroyed! Literally!

Black Queen: A wise man once said, "united we stand, divided we fall."

Black King: However, everyone must always be willing to lay down their lives for others. A sacrifice, be it a sad one, is necessary to gain an advantage.

Black Queen: Only if executed perfectly. Oh poor dark Bishop! Remember when he went for that pawn in the corner? He was trapped and killed. Oh, how I mourn for his soul!

Black King: Yes, it is indeed very sad. One should always work with a team or atleast take help from others, otherwise it brings nothing but trouble. You realized this when you attacked today, yet were able to bring about the desired result, For that, you have my respect.

Black Queen: Oh, stop it! Anything for you, honey!

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