Wednesday, 26 November 2014

Autobiography of a Dustbin

Autobiography of a Dustbin

Hi, I am Dustbin. I live on the streets .I don’t remember my parents , or my childhood very clearly but, I still remember, how my parents were taken away from here. They were too old to hold the garbage. My neighbors are , black dog and lamppost nearby.
I feel bit sad because people often accuse me of being stinky. I have heard that they themselves never wash their socks and my friend Brush  said that their teeth look yellow!!That must be disgusting!
Back to my story!!People litter on roads instead of feeding me. My friend Road, complains to me about this.  At first  I told him that I can not do anything about it, then I feel real pity and call up my friend Broom(I have a real phone of my own!)I ask her to help me. She comes really fast, wipes Road while chitchatting  and I pay her.
Let me tell you about one of my most dangerous incidents. One during rainy season, I was nearly swept away!! My neighbor lamp just held me tight. God!! That was horrible!
Wait a minute!!! What’s the time?? It’s  10 ‘o clock!  Sorry got a go and sleep.  I get up very early for my breakfast. Good night!!

Monday, 3 November 2014

The Case of missing princess


 Princess  Fiona standing in the air listening to the chippings of sparrows & insects like grass hoppers, beetles & bees, watching the flowers bloom. “Wow! It has been years since the last time I came here” thought the princess. Suddenly she saw a butterfly fluttering its wings & flying towards the jungle. Now the princess have been warned by her father not to go in the jungle. The princess proceeded towards the butterfly. Fiona soon lost track of it. When  very suddenly four bandits appeared out of nowhere. They pounced on her & took her away.

She was taken away to an enormous castle. Inside was the cruel, king dragon. “Welcome o princess. I ask your hand in marriage”. “Never you ugly monster” yelled Fiona. At this, king dragon took Fiona to the highest tower, what will be her future?. 

Meanwhile, at Fiona’s castle, her Father was very worried. He asked each of his knights, who will save the Fiona. Then a brave knight, Sir Dredgery, stepped forward. He took up the challenge. He started off towards the jungle. When suddenly he saw something & picked it up. It was a piece of paper & clearly said : “ If you want to save the princess, then you must cross the chasm of death”.       

Sir Dredgery was taken aback when he saw a snake slithering up a tree to eat eggs. He killed it at once. Just then a huge eagle swept down. It said, it had seen every thing. Sir Dredgery got on its back & asked if it would take him to king dragons castle. It agreed & took off.

King dragon was waiting for him. Sir Dredgery got up the eagle, so that he could fight king dragon. King dragon  burnt down sir Dredgery’s  shield & hit him with his tail.They were fighting on a platform with lava around them. Sir Dredgery saw a chain hanging on the wall.Suddenly king dragon jumped towards him. Sir Dredgery leapt  off the platform & hung on the chain. King dragon fell in to lava & burnt down.

Soon sir Dredgey saved the princess and was married to her. You can imagine how happy sir Dredgery was!!!.

Monday, 6 October 2014

How to Train Your Ender Dragon

Hi friends, 


This is my first ever  imaginary story named How to Train Your Ender Dragon.

This is, as I prefer, a story of fantasy...about a friendship between an Ender dragon and a man,who together go in search of treasure hidden in a cave which is guarded by Darth Maul, a dragon who is the master of wickedness.

This is a story of a  loyal dragon.

Once upon a time, there lived a really poor man. He wanted to go out & seek his fortune. So he set out on his journey with some food & water, Though he knew it was a tiring one. He walked & walked for many days on until his food & water was over. All he had left was a some piece of wood, a cloth & an axe.

He knew that he could not proceed further unless…..he could build a tent.  So he started building a tent. After the building was over, he set out to collect fire wood. But at the night, unfortunately he came to the tent bit happily only to find it was dark in the night & very cold like the winter in Delhi & night in Rajasthan. Now he was almost helpless though he had a tent it could be filled with snakes & rats.

By now, even his axe was very blunt. Next day when he woke up, he thought to himself I may not be able to survive..If I have to die, I might as well do that by going ahead..As he travelled few hours with out a single thing with him & then he almost passed out. He saw an egg. He may be poor but he was very courageous, intelligent & witty. He understood that it was a dragon egg….

But the moment he came close to it the egg cracked & out hatched a baby dragon…

At first the man was scared ..then he thought he could train the dragon…so he did as he had thought until the dragon grew up to be a strong adult.

By now the dragon could speak, fly, breathe fire & fetch things for the man. The dragon could  even build stuff. The man thought, why not use the dragon to search for treasure. It seemed like a good idea. He told the dragon everything & flew off with the dragon after saddling him. 

They found a cave. The man was filled with curiosity to discover the cave..But the dragon knew that what was there in the cave..     it was the territory  of the terrible dragon Darth Maul… Darth maul captured all types of animals even by using black magic..The dragon told his master “Master, this may be my first and last good bye”the dragon said with a tear sliding down his cheek. Dragon flew inside the cave & not a moment too soon rude voices were heard & you could hear raging fire.

The master felt like going in to the cave & felt like sacrificing his life for the dragons life. But before he could do that lo and behold! The god of strength Hercules appeared before him. And gave him one of the most powerful equipment-closed helm, snake armor & blood reaper. With that he threw his weapon at Darth Maul and at the same time the dragon hit the opponent with his tail, breaking his limb. The dragon died on the spot at once. The animals were free, the dragon and the master thanked each other, found immense treasure, and lived happily ever after. 

From that day onwards the dragon is known as Draco Maximals, living in the Arctic.

           The End.

Thursday, 18 September 2014

Amazing Taiwan

Hi All, 
This is my first attempt as a blogger, Let me tell you,  i am not really fond of writing  as much as  reading. But  my father encouraged me to write.. so did  my Chess guide and my  inspiration IM Sagar shah, and my  beloved class teacher Miss Anu Madhok. ( Sagar sir can inspire anyone with his beautiful writing!!) So here I am with my little attempt.
I want to share the experience of my trip to Taiwan for a chess tournament. It was Asian school chess championship 2014 which was held in Taichung Taipei.
It wasn't easy for me to practice for such a big tournament alone as my beloved coaches were away playing in Spain.(Sagar shah and Amruta Mokal)
My  Amruta Ma'am and me !! Champion with "to be Champion"!!
Nevertheless,  I  tried to  put  my best effort with  the help of my other beloved Sir , IM Prathamesh Mokal, and my Mom, my all time coach , mentor , my everything!!

I was excited , nervous, curious and determined as the day arrived.. we took a flight to Hong Kong, spent a day there and flew to Taipei day before the tournament .Everything was great and pleasant including the people, hotel, my roommates and of course, the venue, The Washington high school Taichung which is some 200 Km from Taipei.The students of the school were very polite and cheerful and very happy to host us.. There were more than 15 countries that participated in the Tournament.We Indians were one large family  with Mr Praful Zaveri as our Captain.
Indian team with our Team Captain Mr Praful Zaveri
The Inauguration  ceremony was brilliant with traditional Dragon dance and Drum beats. 
Traditional Drum beats kept the spirit high!!
Well, the real fun started as soon the round  began.. I lost the first round but later consoled myself that my opponent from China  Shi Jin Nun, won the tournament .So not a great loss though!!. Later rounds were interesting  but I lost some of the rounds very badly though it was a great playing experience.

The organizers were so nice that they took us around Taichung.. They  took us to The famous Sun Moon lake. It was breathtaking  and looked almost like our own Powai lake. We enjoyed the scenery by watching it from different angles .We also went on for a boat ride viewed it from the top of a mountain.
The famous Sun moon lake as seen from top of a mountain

It was a wonderful day as we Indians were put in one bus and led by our tour guide Kevin my best friend of the day !!
Our Tour guide and my best friend..little funny..Mr.Kevin
 The Tournament  was not  successful  as much as  I expected but  we Indians did a great job by winning the highest number of medals altogether ( precisely ,9 medals)What a proud moment for we Indians!!
Winners all!!
The Gala  dinner  after PD was also very good as Koreans sang and danced for Oppa Gangnam Style song.They literally made all of us deaf!!

 Taiwan is a small beautiful island with very hardworking people.This small country was always been troubled by nature"s  furies , but sustained all of these with their hard work and determination.Food was a little problem for me as a I  am vegetarian , but there was a vegetarian restaurant where they served some good Asian dishes .That saved my life. But fruit juices ,milk and yoghurt were very easy to find and were  deleiciuos as well.The roads were clean and broad, people were kind and always wanted to help though language was quite a problem, but we managed with latest Apps.Most of the areas are WIFI enabled.

The perfect balance between nature  and development!!

 I  loved this trip  as much as I loved playing there. I made friends, exchanged souveniers and had a great time together as one chess family.I was missing my country ,my dad, my school and my friends  , My chess mentors and my Rice and sambar! We were all emotional when we were aying bye to them one last time. 

The team Washington school who made our trip memorable!!
I was sad that I could not make big impact  in this tournament but  certainly will do better next time.This reminds me  one of my favourite songs  Roar  by Katty Parry which goes like this...…

You held me down, but I got up
Already brushing of the dust…..
I got the eye of the tiger, a fighter, dancing through the fire
Cause I am a champion and you’re  gonna hear me ROAR…..

 Please check the below link for the full song

Wish to play and visit such beautiful countries in the future.Thank you CHESS  for making this possible.

Stay tuned for more,and till then CHEERS!!

Avathanshu Bhat.
"With great power, there comes great responsibility."